Empowering the Circular Economy in the Americas

Connect with like-minded individuals and drive sustainable change together.

Empowering Circular Economy in the Americas

Circular Economy Platform is a member-based portal dedicated to promoting the concept of circular economy in the Americas. Through our platform, we aim to facilitate the transition towards a circular economic reality by connecting people, ideas, and actions.

Please see a brief video describing this concept:

Video by Ellen MacArthur Foundation

OUR Circular Economy Platform

Explore our range of activities designed to support the transition towards a circular economy.


Introduce and create awareness and knowledge of the concept of Circular Economy paradigm and application for the Americas.


Host a digital library of technical information, data, and research publications regarding Circular Economy.

Trigger policy development and informed decision making to enable Circular Economy adoption in the region.


Serve as the regional hub for facilitating partnerships and business opportunities relevant to Circular Economy in the Americas.


Share experiences and best practices among experts, project developers, and other change agents in the Circular Economy field.


Promote innovative business models, tools, and methods to facilitate the transition towards a Circular Economy.

07 / NEWS

Provide the latest updates about ongoing Circular Economy programs, initiatives and projects, and upcoming events in the Americas.


Monitor Circular Economy implementation across the Western Hemisphere and their collective contribution to the UN SDGs.


Present and compare macro-economic, social and environmental outputs and benefits from applying Circular Economy in the region.

What is a Circular Economy?

The term “Circular Economy” is gaining global recognition and importance as a means for international and concerted action to help create a new industrial model and economic system that is better aligned to the rules of nature and allow for our present and future generations to continue to sustain the modern society and livelihood and thrive on Earth.

It represents a paradigm shift and provides a guiding framework for finding ways to moving away from the global take-make-waste linear economic model to one “that is restorative and regenerative by design, and which aims to keep products, components and materials at their highest utility and value at all times, distinguishing between technical and biological cycles” (Ellen MacArthur Foundation, 2016).

Circular Economy is closely aligned to the design principles of Cradle-to-Cradle® and therefore recognizes the basic and fundamental need to re-think the way we are making things. It recognizes the need to use healthy and beneficial materials and chemicals intelligently to manufacture eco-friendly products coupled to circular business models to enable the creation of a circular economic system that will allow for closing the loop of such materials and chemicals and use them through continuous or perpetual Technical or Biological Cycles in the economy.

Why the CEP-Americas Platform?

We envision the Western Hemisphere, also known as the Americas:

As a region where the resources, knowledge, capacity and wealth is adequately distributed among its people to satisfy current and future needs while they prosper in harmony with nature.

The Circular Economy Platform of the Americas is an initiative powered by the Americas Sustainable Development Foundation (ASDF) https://www.sustainableamericas.com

ASDF is a non-profit independent advisory foundation that focuses on helping bring about cutting-edge ideas and solutions as Cradle to Cradle® and the Circular Economy to the mainstream across the countries in the Western Hemisphere to realize Sustainable Development.

Founding Partners

With the technical and financial support of like-minded entities and institutional members, the Platform brings a wealth of knowledge, capacity, and experience in applying Cradle to Cradle® design, Performance Economics, Regenerative Design, Industrial Ecology, Biomimicry, Blue Economy, Natural Capitalism, Doughnut Economy, Permaculture, and other compatible approaches that inspire the development and application of the principles of the Circular Economy in the Americas.

Global and Regional Alliances

Get in touch

We welcome your inquiries about our circular economy platform and membership.